Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Draft: Mash Up

It is important to establish definitions of the problem/issue of the status of women. Women engineering students go to the same classes, take the same tests and get the same GPAs as men, sometimes even higher.  We’d like to think a structural definition attributes women’s status to factors beyond individual characteristics had already become a voice for humanitarian design. The sad truth is that women in our study developed less confidence in their engineering expertise than men did. Concerns about human resources and/or social equity in science and engineering have resulted in programs to enhance the participation and performance of women.

Over the coming years, gender equality or neutrality heralded a rise in awareness around humanitarian design. Equity is the most direct way to Architecture for Humanity’s success.  Women and men engineering students could promote collective learning and increase the success of the humanitarian design movement as a whole. It could help broaden student’s often narrow conceptions of architecture to include skills and awareness.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Experiment 2: Dropbox Links

Experiment 2: Images

About the Design

Combing the two axonometrics together, eletro-liquid aggregation, I wanted to reinforce the idea space not being contained within a building but is shaped by it. With this combination, space can be found at the very top and in between  as well as below.

With the marker I added lights to show, technological use as well as provide a look out point for pedestrians. At the very top there is space for people to interact with one and another, also allow people to view the sports which are occurring.

Experiment 2: 36 Textures (New)

Friday, 8 May 2015

New Design

Olson Kunding: A space is not contained by area inside the building, a space is shaped by it.

Buckminster Fuller: Ideals of ephermeralisation; "doing more and more with less and less until you can do everything with nothing"

Look Out Points and Bridges

I stuck with the same bridge concept however I wanted to make one part as a look out point. While studying the map I decided that placing it between the road on the bridge would make a better place to put the marker as (1) as a look out point it had a better view of the sports arena, (2) it appeared to be an area where there was more pedestrian movement and (3) it was suggested by James.

I look the time to browse on the internet to see what other architects have designed and look for inspiration.

This is the Sarajevo Bridge by a Spanish architecture studio BCQ. I found it interesteing as it takes an inspirational form of the Barcelona and adds greens to make it appear environmenally friendly. The aim was to offer a more pleasant experience for pedestrains through lighting and improved air quality, by the plants.


This is a lookout point by HHF Architects. When I first saw this I thought it may be a nice touch to the look out point on my marker. Since the area is circular it is slightly similar to the shape of the sports area, also it bares the same of a ball.

A simplier 'design' compared to the previous two above. Despite it's simplicity there exists a relationship between the architectural design and the repsect given to the existining landscape.

Changing Ideas

I decided to change my momument to another one because (1) I could not think of anything else to add to my momument to make it cultural, (2) the more I worked on it the more frustrated I became so I decided to start fresh, (3) there were some parts in which I agree with James, when discussing with him, which made the whole thing horrible.